Saturday, January 31, 2009

Puppy Pictures :)

Basket full of Love, all are marked with colored collars so we can keep them straight.

Cutie pies resting on Mommy.

Cute little faces, they love to pile up and stay cozy.

All Eating "move over I am coming in"

OG is being an incredible mom!!! We have to drag her out of the whelping box to go potty, and as soon as she is done she bee lines it back to the pups, she is cleaning them, and stays by their side. All pups are gaining weight, we were supplementing 8 yesterday and we are down to 5 this morning. Ella and Blue spend a lot of time with their noses to the door, OG is so happy to see them when she comes out to potty, like the proud mommy that she is. Keep posted for more pictures this week.


Meghann said...

they are so darn cute.
Wish we could hold one. Deb and girls

grammy em lee said...

Cute puppies. Bet they are a handful. Hope all is well. I was wondering if you do the BioSenor method with your puppies. My brother's labradoodle had this done with him and he is the most laidback dog. This is the link to the breeder where their dog came from Cody is the name of the puppy and his picture is there on the page with his "family"

Take care. Em Lee Fuson