Friday, January 15, 2010


OG's older Sister Ella is very sick, she has been in and out of the hospital since Monday, they have been ruling things out but still not definitive answer. She started vomiting on Monday and still continues to vomit. I have been able to bring her home at night since Wednesday and last night she vomited what looks like a giant hair ball, she still would not eat and drink a small amount of water and then vomited again this AM. We headed back to the vet with her IV still in place, THANK GOD, and she is now undergoing a barium swallow to see if it is an obstruction of some sort. OG and the puppies are doing well, please forgive me if I have not posted new pics or returned phone calls to prospective puppy owners. Please keep Ella in your prayers that we find out what is going on and can get it fixed. Everyone at the Vet loves her and says she is a stellar patient, she does not play with her IV bandages at all and I think it is because she hates the e-collar so much. I will keep you posted.

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